In Acupuncture theory, Trigger points are "ASHI" points, meaning when you touch a point it hurts and someone cries out "ASHI!". I have always thought that was funny.
There are a variety of ways to interpret and use trigger points. There are Neuro-muscular junctions where the nerve enervates and communicates with a muscle. Those are very specific points. Trigger points can also be felt in the fascia by touch, that takes some extra skill, these are also considered ashi/ trigger points. Also when a muscle or point jumps, that's a "trigger point". We want to help the muscle reset, muscles get stuck in contraction and expansion, so this way they remember to expand and contract! The way they should! Mostly muscles work opposition-ally to another one. Examples being, hamstrings and Quadriceps. We can also help with trigger points by working each end of a muscle, also called the origin and and insertions! Wow! There are so many ways to help our bodies. Mostly we want find ways to tell the brain to heal our bodies. Our brains are so powerful and that communication can get blocked or cut off. Most healing modalities actually do target the nervous system as that is where most healing actually originates. Pretty profound stuff! #triggerpoints #massagetherapyinarvada #energyhealing #thebrainhealsthebod #acupuncture I treat a lot of chronic illnesses, including Long Covid, autoimmune issues and more.
In our culture, we like to push, and sometimes we have to. And yet... sometimes we can not. Both my daughter and I have had some post Covid effects, to be vulnerable, hers are more severe at this time, and she is a teenager. Yesterday a client said they felt bad they didn't have the energy to go to the Gym. I told them to be gentle with themselves.. guess what? Sometimes that's all we can do. We want to push ourselves to go to the gym, work out, do this and that to be worthy. What is something you can do today for yourself that is gentle? Read a book? Sit with a cup of tea? take a nap? Stretch or do nothing? One thing I do is give myself a break during the day. I often will just work through. Lately, I have been taking little breaks and it makes a HUGE difference, I am not as tired at the end of the day. The nature of chronic illness is up down, it's a trajectory of hills and valleys, this may include mental health as well as anxiety and depression can fall into the category of chronic illness. Much love, Stefanie Rothert #chronicillness One of my favorite parts of giving a massage, is dropping into my own body and becoming present. The relationship between practitioner and therapist is a special one. At Acupuncture for Wellbeing, we try and cultivate a more personal, healing environment and deeper relationships with our clients. The healing goes both ways. It's wonderful to get to know each other. We are well versed in different modalities, including Deep Tissue, Swedish, trigger point work, and more energetic systems including Polarity and Reiki. We also offer hot stones & complimentary aromatherapy & cupping. We are passionate about our clients and helping support them physically and emotionally through the journey of life Schedule here with one of our expert therapists! According to the May Clinic: ( Physical benefits of massage include:
Other mental benefits include:
How does Acupuncture help with Fertility ?
The beauty of Chinese Medicine versus Western Medicine is that we honor cycles. Chinese medicine is based in the Yin & Yang. Simply said the feminine and masculine. If you look at the symbol there is one within the other. In TCM we break the menstrual cycle into four parts. Each of these cycles represents the yin and yang or aspects thereof. We can explain a lot from your period what happens to during your cycle by examining symptoms. Things that western medicine can not explain though we do find correlations between the two. Yang can correspond to Progesterone, yin and blood to estrogen. We look to support you through the whole process of fertility, ideally pregnancy and beyond. There are no guarantees, and the journey can be lifechanging, We often have to change our lives to make space for a baby, perhaps change our diets, change our lifestyles to reduce stress and more. Sometimes it's simple, sometimes not. We are here to support you through the journey with Massage, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. #prenatalmassage #acupunctureforfertility #bbtchart #chinesemedicineforfertility #becomingparents Please reach out, we ofter a free ten minute phone consult to connect and discover your needs and what we can do for you. 303 381 0188 Photo credit Jane Lyttleton Stefanie Rothert is a Fellow of the ABORM, acupuncture board of reproductive medicine. It is her passion to assist women on this path to motherhood. Please contact us to book an appointment. Meditation saved my life. I was drawn to it at the age of 14. There is a long story involved but for now, let's just say I would not be here without it.
It has always been my lifeline, what I can go back to, when I don't know what's what, up from down.. etc.. With some difficult changes as of late, I started feeling a bit lost and off my center. More reactive. Although I suppose that is a version of myself, it is not how I want to be, not my best self. Some of these interpersonal challenges have challenged me to my core. I am in a group with two other female business owners and we were lamenting a bit about it, and I remembered meditation. Even when I was a single mom barely paying my rent, I taught classes in my little living room in boulder. Meditation, it came up, teaching. That means I need a practice. I don't know where the resistance comes sometimes to do thing things that bring you exactly back to you. When you have looked and searched enough outside of you, I believe it is time to turn within. There is guidance there. It may be subtle, and gentle and one small task a day, but it is there. I do not like to have a short fuse, over react or just be swayed by other peoples actions and emotions. I like calm. I like to make choices from my pre frontal cortex if at all possible, at least in daily life. Triggers can feel so dangerous they activate our survival mechanisms, when in fact they are not a real threat at all. For me, Meditation, helps me access that place that allows some space before I react. I have taught meditation off and on since I was 19, it helped me out a very dark time in my life, it helped me to heal. I am certified in Neurosculpting and also trained in an intuitive meditation style. These are the two systems I go to when I need to start from the beginning, from the ground up, along with some yoga. Meditation is a part of the yoga system, I practice a more western style. When there are no more answers outside of us, and the world is so full of chaos and things we can't really process or comprehend it is time to look within and expand our own bandwidth to hold a space for that that doesn't seem to be out there, division, suffering, confusion. Take the spiral out to the spiral in. Sometimes that is the only place left to go, and there you can find what you were looking for sometimes it is simply a feeling of hope, or maybe a little more like yourself or how you want to be. |
Arvada Location:
Located on the ground floor in the Delvecchio Chiropractic Office 7595 66th Ave. Arvada, CO 80005 |
Boulder Location:
Located in the Corca Center 4440 Arapahoe Ave Suite 215 Boulder, CO 80303 |