How does Acupuncture help with Fertility ?
The beauty of Chinese Medicine versus Western Medicine is that we honor cycles. Chinese medicine is based in the Yin & Yang. Simply said the feminine and masculine. If you look at the symbol there is one within the other. In TCM we break the menstrual cycle into four parts. Each of these cycles represents the yin and yang or aspects thereof. We can explain a lot from your period what happens to during your cycle by examining symptoms. Things that western medicine can not explain though we do find correlations between the two. Yang can correspond to Progesterone, yin and blood to estrogen. We look to support you through the whole process of fertility, ideally pregnancy and beyond. There are no guarantees, and the journey can be lifechanging, We often have to change our lives to make space for a baby, perhaps change our diets, change our lifestyles to reduce stress and more. Sometimes it's simple, sometimes not. We are here to support you through the journey with Massage, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. #prenatalmassage #acupunctureforfertility #bbtchart #chinesemedicineforfertility #becomingparents Please reach out, we ofter a free ten minute phone consult to connect and discover your needs and what we can do for you. 303 381 0188 Photo credit Jane Lyttleton Stefanie Rothert is a Fellow of the ABORM, acupuncture board of reproductive medicine. It is her passion to assist women on this path to motherhood. Please contact us to book an appointment. Comments are closed.
Arvada Location:
Located on the ground floor in the Delvecchio Chiropractic Office 7595 66th Ave. Arvada, CO 80005 |
Boulder Location:
Located in the Corca Center 4440 Arapahoe Ave Suite 215 Boulder, CO 80303 |