What is Acupuncture?Acupuncture is a medicine that is over 2000 years old. We use single use sterile needles and also points long Meridians in the body. How does Acupuncture work? It stimulates the body’s own ability to heal. Studies show that it actually helps to release our own natural opiates.
There is a saying in Chinese Medicine, “Where there is no free flow, there is pain. Where there is pain, there is no free flow.” As practitioners, we look for the imbalance, either in the muscles, organs or energy flow. This can also be a lifestyle choice. We assess this through questioning, pulse and tongue diagnosis. Then, we devise an appropriate treatment Plan with herbs, lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, and acupuncture. To practice in the state of Colorado, you must be NCCAOM certified, meaning you have passed national certification tests, and had over 3000 hours in training. What does Acupuncture Treat?-Pain, back pain, headaches, migraines, arthritis, auto-immune pain, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, M.S, Knee injury: meniscus, acl, Back pain, low back pain, upper back pain, shoulder pain, Women’s health: pregnancy, postpartum, fertility, PMS, Stress, anxiety, sleep, and insomnia.
Arvada Location:
Located on the ground floor in the Delvecchio Chiropractic Office 7595 66th Ave. Arvada, CO 80005 |
Boulder Location:
Located in the Corca Center 4440 Arapahoe Ave Suite 215 Boulder, CO 80303 |